Flixnetforme is what I am estimating to be one of the greatest sites out there when it comes to the Netflix rating system, which if you don’t already know really sucks. In fact it sucks so bad that even Netflix thought so. In my opinion one of the greatest flaws in the rating system that Netflix uses is that is only is based on what you watch. They do not take into consideration how or what others rate, if I am wrong please let me know.
Now there are plenty of other sites out there similar to this one like?RottenTomatoes.com,?A Better Queue?and?InstantWatchDB.com?but some of these sites have died recently which came from Netflix removing their API access back in Nov 2014. Netflixforme seems to be standing strong even though there is no API access to the Netflix DB.
One of the coolest things I have seen about this site is that its rating is so easy, just like Pandora you simple thumbs up or down a movie. When you do that their algorithms automatically populate a recommendations list for you based on how you rate. But what makes them different is that it also takes into consideration of how others rate as well and builds a custom list for you. The more you rate, the more accurate it becomes. So far my recommendations of been pretty spot on.