So I came across the Vine App today, being I have a very addictive nature this is most likley a bad choice on my part. Of course I have spent the last 6 hours of my life wasting it away watching 6 second videos about people trying to make me laugh. Well it worked, because I have been laughing for hours. I have to say that the Vine App is a great idea and I sit and wonder “Why didn’t I think of that my self. Well tonight I was just looking through my app enjoying myself when all of a sudden I got the dreaded error on my iPhone 5
I’m sure many of us have gotten this message, but I was particulary suprised I got this because I am anal about what I store on my phone and I know how much storage I have at all time. (yes I am that anal). So before I begin my story this is going to be a 2 part post about 2 things. Why the “Vine App Sucks” all your storage AND how to clear more space on your iPhone where you didn’t know there was storage to delete.
I have learned with my iPhone that besides the basic places where you store things like (pictures, videos, music and videos) there is actually one more place that you have to look out for.
So here we go…
So when I got this message I was wondering where did all my storage go? Well since I know where to look I went to Settings > General > Usage. At the top there is a section where it lists all your apps you have installed
“Oh snap, guess what I saw” See the Vine? in the matter of hours I have had the app it has already climbed to 2nd place in storage. If you click on the app itself you will get some more details
You see where it says “App Size”? its only 14.7 MP. So why in the world does it say in the previous screen 462 MB?? Well the reason is that each app stores data seperatly besides the app itself. The app itself is only 14.7 MB, but in the hours I spent looking through the app and all the videos I watched were being stored on my phone.
Shame on The Vine for not optimizing their app a little better for this issue, which I am sure the Dev’s have already discuss this in their coffee fueled meetings. Well anyways your apps on your phone all store additional data besides the app itself. This is where the main issue with storage lies on the iPhone.
So how do you fix this?
Easy…when you delete the app all the additional storage goes away. You simply redownload your app and you are back to square one.
Next time you find yourself scratching your head wondering why you have lost all your storage yet the MB don’t add up. Look at your apps, I’m sure that is where the problem lies.
BTW the Vine is AWESOME!!!